Wednesday, August 17, 2011

portfolio - August & July

I haven't done many designs this month, but I'm starting up again. In the past couple of weeks I've done three designs; and I'd love to do more, so order away. In early July I did my sister Anna's blog design for her. She wanted a picture header that looked like it was 'painted', with dark greens and grey, so that's what I did. You can view the design live here.

I also did my own design, and switched the header to the sidebar. I really like this new blog trend, so I went with it. =) The header changes on hover. View live here.

Lastly I finished Anna Katherine's blog design, she wanted something cute with the header on the sidebar, so that's what I tried to do for her. You can see her design live here.

That's all for now, make sure to order something if you'd like a new design. I think I'm going to change the design here once I get around to it, it's sort of plain. 


  1. How did you do the hover thing for the header? And yes, that new trend is cool. I've always wanted to get into blog design, unfortunately that was an epic fail. I know the basics....but...pretty much the basics, lol.
    -Jocee <3

  2. @Jocee Jocee, I'll get around to it and do a tutorial on how to make a blog design like that, once I finish a few of the designs I'm working on. =) Which is basically three designs. As soon as I'm done with those I'll be sure to make a tutorial for ya!

  3. Now you just have to finish mine. RAL

  4. Great designs Kendra! :) Yeah, it seems like everyone is changing to the header on the sidebar these days!

  5. Eeep! As always, love your designs!

    My email is { }

    Looking forward to a new, fresh look!


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