Thursday, March 1, 2012

portfolio // February

Putdar was really sweet and patient to work with, plus she was pretty talented in blog designing herself. :) Go check out her blog.

Sorry for the lack of posts & tutorials here. I hate to admit it, but I haven't really been in the "designing mood". I've been so busy and trying to cut back time on the computer that's hard to keep up with my personal blog in the first place! But still, I'm open and ready for orders. I'm going to be helping out some friends with designs this month, and hopefully sponsoring some giveaways . . . so, we'll see. :)

-- Kendra


  1. Do you do wordpress blogs?

    Please get back to me soon.


    1. No, actually I don't -- sorry! But if you just want me to do a header or button, sure, I will. :)


I ❤ comments. Make sure to keep them nice & not harsh. If you have a question, check back soon for my answer or leave a way for me to contact you.