- Download Gimp if you don't already have it.
- Go here and download the image (right click), then open it with Gimp.
Add text & a color background. You can also find elements & papers for free by downloading them here. If this is your first time using Gimp, you might want to spend some time playing around with it before just jumping into making a blog button. You can also add text with Picnic.com, but I prefer Gimp, since you can make it your own.
After creating your button and saving it, upload it to the web so you can get the image link (ie, photobucket, tinypic, blogger).
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="BLOG LINK"><img border="0" src="IMAGE LINK"/></a></center></textarea></center>
Now, see where the colored text is? That's where you paste your links and name (ctr + c then crt + v to copy//paste). Make sure not to erase anything that is in black text, even quotes.
When you are done it should look something like this --
<center><a href="http:// kendralynnestudios.blogspot. com/" target="_blank" title="Kendra Lynne Studios"><img alt="Kendra Lynne Studios" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/ -7K0npLvT3bw/TgDNy354m2I/ AAAAAAAACMg/IQbk7Tcaa1g/s1600/ KLS.gif"/></a> <center>
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="http:// kendralynnestudios.blogspot. com/"><img border="0" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/ -7K0npLvT3bw/TgDNy354m2I/ AAAAAAAACMg/IQbk7Tcaa1g/s1600/ KLS.gif"/></a></center></ textarea></center>
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="http://
After adding your links (you could add them in a notepad or windows document) you will need to go to your dashboard>>design>>add a gadget>>then scroll until you see "HTML/Javascript". Then add the code above to the box.
Save, and tada! You made a blog button. Comment if you have any trouble, please, and I'll reply back to you.
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